Geography Resource Review


Geography Resource Review

Below are some of our favorite online resources for teaching Geography.  Check them out and make sure to post a blog entry responding to the following questions:

  1. What resource(s) did you find particularly engaging?  Why?
  2. What resource(s) would you use with students?  How?
  3. Are there any gaps in the resources available for this discipline?  In other words, are the resources available incomplete or do you see a need for any new resources to be developed?
  4. Please share any additional discipline-specific resources you have found or have used not listed on this site.

In addition to answering the above questions, you should also respond to other students’ posts.  You could either incorporate responses to other students’ posts in your own resource review or post separate responses, questions, etc. to other students’ posts.  Initial posts must be made by the Tuesday night prior to the class meeting.  You are responsible for checking the blog and responding to any additional questions or comments prior to the class meeting on Thursday.


For Geography resources (not limited to just maps!), we worked with an article written in Social Studies Research and Practice by Dr. Todd Kenreich at Towson University.

Please read his article entitled "Zoom, Pan, Think: The Interactivity of Digital Maps" and then investigate the following resources:

Electoral maps – 270 to win

U.S. Census and the American fact finder

Google maps

NY Times: Global Migration Maps

Museum mapping initiative: Be a witness

The rise and fall of Jim Crow: Interactive maps

Eye on Israel: Atlas of Israel

Shoreline changes online

PBS wide angle: H5N1 — killer flu interactive map: The spread of H5N1 influenza in Asia

United Nations world food programme -- Hunger Map

National atlas

Newseum: Today’s front pages

Perry-Castañeda library map collection

The Places We Live


Smithsonian--Geographic Resources